
General information
Name: Diversispora spurca
Mycorriza Bank #: Location Sate Country Latitude / Longitude
CMCC/AM-1806 Jaipur Rajasthan India 26.9124° N, 75.7873° E
CMCC/AM-1807 Mukteswar Uttarakhand India 29.4604° N, 79.6558° E
Classification and associated taxa
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Glomeromycota
Class: Glomeromycetes
Order: Diversisporales
Family: Diversisporaceae
Genus: Diversispora
Biochemical information
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) C-12,C-14,C-16,C-16:1,C-18,C-18:1
Functional information
Percentage enhancement of morphological parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Shoot Length Number of branches Shoot fresh weight Shoot dry weight
CMCC/AM-1806 17.3 7.9 107.3 14.9
CMCC/AM-1807 27.1 2.6 53.5 40.7
Percentage enhancement of macro nutrient parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
CMCC/AM-1806 2.38 594.98 183.83
CMCC/AM-1807 1.11 196.01 191.46
Percentage enhancement of micro nutrient parameters with as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Iron Manganese Zinc Copper
CMCC/AM-1806 NS 221.60 NS 600
CMCC/AM-1807 12.91 274.63 NS 1000
Biocontrol efficacy *
Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum Rhizoctonia solani
CMCC/AM-1806 37.50 37.50
CMCC/AM-1807 33.30 40.00
NS= Not significant
Spores of Diversispora spurca

Spore Shape: The shape of the spores varies from globose to subglobose.

Spore Color: The colour of spores is hyaline while young and yellowish at maturity.

Average diameter: 95.34-(119.52)-178.88 μm

Layer 1 (L1): The outermost layer known as L1 is mucilaginous and hyaline. This outer layer attracts a lot of organic debris and appears warty and ultimately sloughs off with age. This layer is granular and often adheres to the organic debris. This layer generally detaches itself with Layer 2 with a slight mechanical pressure.

Layer 2 (L2): This layer is laminated layer consisting many thin hyaline to sub-hyaline sub-layers known as laminae. This layer is highly elastic and tends to spread with slight pressure. The innermost sub-layer produces fine wrinkles which appear as another wall layer. Both the layers show very less or no reaction towards Melzer's reagent.

Spore after reaction with Melzer's Reagent:
Description: Description: JM3050